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RHN Errata Alert: Updated fetchmail packages fix vulnerabilities

AlbLinux's picture

Complete information about this errata can be found at the following location:

Security Advisory - RHSA-2002:215-09
Updated fetchmail packages fix vulnerabilities

Updated fetchmail packages are available for Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7, 7.1,
7.2, 7.3, and 8.0 which close a remotely-exploitable vulnerability in
unpatched versions of fetchmail prior to 6.1.0.

Fetchmail is a remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended for
use over on-demand TCP/IP links such as SLIP and PPP connections. Two bugs
have been found in the header parsing code in versions of Fetchmail prior
to 6.1.0.

The first bug allows a remote attacker to crash Fetchmail by sending a
carefully crafted DNS packet. The second bug allows a remote attacker to
carefully craft an email in such a way that when it is parsed by Fetchmail
a heap overflow occurs, allowing remote arbitrary code execution.

Both of these bugs are only exploitable if Fetchmail is being used in
multidrop mode (using the "multiple-local-recipients" feature).

All users of Fetchmail are advised to upgrade to the errata packages
containing a backported fix which is not vulnerable to these issues.


Taking Action
You may address the issues outlined in this advisory in two ways:

- select your server name by clicking on its name from the list
available at the following location, and then schedule an
errata update for it:

- run the Update Agent on each affected server.

Changing Notification Preferences
To enable/disable your Errata Alert preferences globally please log in to RHN
and navigate from "Your RHN" / "Your Account" to the "Preferences" tab.


You can also enable/disable notification on a per system basis by selecting an
individual system from the "Systems List". From the individual system view
click the "Details" tab.